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Would Anyone Like To Run The Belfast City Marathon For PIPS Suicide Prevention Ireland

12 February 2013

Would it be possible for you to display the following information within your club and try to generate support for Suicide Prevention within your community by participating in this year’s Belfast City Marathon? Would you be interested in putting forward a team from your club to participate and raise vital funds for PIPS Suicide Prevention Ireland. PIPS currently receive no form of government funding and therefore rely heavily on donations in order to provide free counselling services, drug and alcohol counselling, complimentary therapies, debt and benefit advice, acupuncture and also a unique care team service which will see those in suicidal crisis immediately and provide support for their family.

Unfortunately suicide is far too common in our society and has a devastating impact on family members, friends and the wider community who are left asking ‘why?’ We all know someone who has died by suicide or been directly affected by the death of a loved one. A recent report published by the Institute of Public Health shows that 2010 saw the highest number of recorded suicides in Northern Ireland. In total 313 deaths were registered as suicides, 240 males and 73 females. This figure is staggering and alarmingly high. PIPS believe that prevention through education is a key way to help reduce suicide rates and bring the statistics down.

We also provide training which you may be interested in availing of for your club members, there is funding available that can be accessed in order to carry out this training. As you are a gateway to young people throughout the community this would be a vital opportunity for you to spot the signs of someone who is in distress and signpost these people to the appropriate organisation for support.

Should you require any further information on our training or your club members would like to support suicide within your community by taking part in this year’s marathon please do not hesitate to contact PIPS on 02890805850

PIPS Marathon Challenge 2013 – Run 4 Their Lives
Thank you for deciding to join PIPS this year in running the Belfast City Marathon on Monday 6th May 2013. 
By participating you are promoting your own mental health by:
  • Exercising which releases “feel good hormones”
  • Socialising and being part of a friendly and supportive group of people
  • Gaining a sense of achievement on completion of the challenge.
Most importantly, through your participation in this event on behalf of PIPS you are helping to SAVE LIVES!! 
Decide how you would like to participate:
  • Walk – (9 miles or 26.2 miles) cost is £22
  • Fun Run – (3 miles) cost is £11 Adult or £9 child
  • Relay – (5 legs: 3.5, 4.3, 5.3, 6, & 7.1 miles) NB you can have between 2 and 5 per team. Cost is £80 per team.
  • Wheelchair (3 miles) cost is £33
  • Full Marathon (26.2 miles) cost is £33
Once you have decided, please note that you must register your intention to take part in the Belfast city Marathon NO LATER than Friday 5th April 2013, or should you register after this date but before Friday 19th April a £20 late payment fee will be incurred.  You will be asked for your name or team name (if you are registering for the relay you can create your own team name). 

When asked PLEASE SELECT YOUR CHARITY choose the 2nd option (will you be running in aid of Other Charity as: PIPS Charity Belfast.
NB: If you have a full team for the relay, designate a team leader who can register the team.  If you want to run a leg, but do not have a team please advise PIPS via email on or call the office on 02890805850 and we can assign you a team. 

You can only register once your full team has been filled. 
Once you have been registered you will receive confirmation within 7 days along with an information pack. 
There is a charge to enter the marathon.  This is out of PIPS control and is the policy of Belfast City Council.  This fee does not go to PIPS however; a percentage of this goes to the designated charities of the year.  The fee depends on which activity you are participating in.  
Use your sponsor sheet to raise as much money as you possibly can!  You can also set up your own fundraising page online by going to or alternatively to get your fundraising going, this is an excellent way to collect money from people who you don’t see regularly for example family abroad. 
This facilitates donating online. 
We have posters and leaflets to help raise awareness of the event and encourage as many people as possible to run for PIPS.  If you would like to help promote this or have any innovative ideas please contact us.  You can also follow us online via Facebook and Twitter.  
To raise awareness of our work we will provide PIPS Logo T-shirts for the day.

For further information surrounding this event please see
Once again thank you for your continued help and support.
Kind regards 
Danielle O’Neill
Events and Programmes Officer
PIPS Suicide Prevention Ireland