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Final Information For The Damian Lennon Cycle Challenge

25 May 2017

After months of planning and training, the Damian Lennon Cycle Challenge is now only a few days away!  Lots of time and effort has gone into the organising of the cycle and I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for taking part in the event and lending their support in any way that they could. 
Now on to some important information before the cycle can get underway. 
A meeting has been organised for Saturday May 27th, at 7pm at Ballyvarley Hall for all those who have volunteered to help marshal at the event. We will be discussing the plans for the day and exchanging important contact information and so on. If all the volunteers could make an effort to attend, that would be greatly appreciated. 
Also, for all those cyclists taking part in the ‘HQ’ Challenge who need their bicycles transported to Dublin, on Saturday at 7pm the bicycles will be loaded in preparation for Sunday morning. So please bring your bicycle along to Ballyvarley Hall.
Sunday is going to be a busy day at the Club, so here’s a rundown of what you should expect:
07.30 - HQ Challenge cyclists leave Loughbrickland for Dublin via bus.
10.00 - HQ Challenge cycle begins from the Cusack statue at Croke Park with the GAA President-elect, John Horan overseeing the start.
13.30 - Registration will begin at Campbell's Lock near Terryhoogan Bridge (1/2 mile north of Scarva towards Gilford) for the 'On Yer Bike' Challenge. All cyclists are asked to confirm their participation on the day to facilitate the distribution of certificates on completion.
14.00 - The 'On Yer Bike' Challenge cyclists will be sent off in batches to avoid over-crowding on the tow-path. Marshals will be present at all road junctions to ensure the safe crossing of cyclists. 
14.00-17.00 - Take your time, enjoy the cycle to Newry and back, it's not a race! The weather doesn't look too bad for Sunday so make the most of it! 
17.00 - The barbecue will be setting up at the hall with burgers & hotdogs for all. There will also be a few club challenge matches being played while we eagerly await the arrival of the HQ Challenge Cyclists!
All that remains to say is that it’s wonderfully to see so many people helping us support such a good cause in Damian’s memory, and good luck everyone.