Latest News


15 June 2017

The Cul Camp at the Club is fast approaching!

To register your child for what is guaranteed to be a fun-filled week follow the instructions below:

For P1 & P2 aged children a registration evening will take place next Monday evening (19th June) from 7pm to 8pm at Ballyvarley Hall. Please come along and register your child during this time for a reduced rate of £25. Please do not register online for this age group as it will cost you more!

The nursery group will run strictly from 10.00am to 12.30pm so please also ensure travel arrangements are in place.
There will be no extended hours for this age group this year due to limited resources at the club.

For all other older children please register online here =>

This week promises to be one the children will not forget! 😄🏐🔴